Other resources
Marco Mamone Capria
“Pseudoscienza nella
scienza biomedica contemporanea: il caso della
Biologi Italiani, giugno 2003, 33(6), pp.
10-27; marzo
2004, 34(3), p. 78
In this article the main argument of scientific
antivivisectionism is outlined, with several references to original articles
and documents.
“Uomini e topi”
(video e trascrizione)
This documentary
was broadcast by the Italian national Channel 3, on 22 October 2004, in prime
time. Never before or after, to our knowledge, a journalistic
inquiry on vivisection, assuming a
neutral point of view, exposed so convincingly the poor quality of both the
methodology and their perpetrators. It is the definitive proof that in
order to refute vivisections it is enough to let vivisectors
speak. It would be great if someone took the task of inserting English
Marco Mamone
“On concordance and discordance”
commentary (10 January
2007) concerning an important systematic review of
animal experiments published on BMJ
(British Medical Journal), strengthening the negative conclusions of the
authors on vivisection’s predictive value.